Love Beach
Love Beach
We live in divisive times. Our ideological differences break relationships between neighbors and families. Our visions of the path forward can be so different.
Yet at core, we want the same things. We all want clean air to breathe and good schools for our children. We all dream of a world with less strife and more love.
In the end, what is it about if not love?
I invite you to take Saturday 17 July ‘17, 3 days before solstice, as a day to set differences aside and remind ourselves that life on this earth is about love.
I invite you to print a photo of yourself, print the words “I love you” on it, bring it to the beach, and plant it in the sand.
If you are in the Los Angeles vicinity, you’re invited to come to the Venice Beach Art Walls anytime between 10am and 7pm to plant your photo in the sand at Love Beach.
If you live in another area, I invite you to pick your own spot for Love Beach and invite others to join you in planting photos. If your city isn’t coastal, you can buy 10kg of sand for a couple of euros and make a portable Love Beach anywhere.
Venice Beach Art Walls
1800 Ocean Front Walk
Venice CA 90291